5 Simple music productions tips you need to know in logic pro x
You can follow my music : Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/artist/mayen/59802
More behind the scenes stuff: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayen_music
Shorts: https://www.tiktok.com/@mayen_music
In this video I go over different tips that will help you speed up your music production in Logic Pro X.
Here are some useful subjects related to the video
Why is it Important to Test Different Beats?
Beats are the backbone of a song. They are the “musical DNA” that sets the tone for a track.
Ai sounds can be used in beats and they have been used to make some of the most popular music out there. They provide a unique sound that is not found in traditional instruments or other methods of production.
What is sampling with regards to music? Why does sampling exist?
Sampling is the act of taking a piece of music and copying it, either in part or in full. It has been around for decades, but it’s only recently that sampling has been seen as a form of art.
There are many reasons why sampling exists. One reason is that musicians can create new songs by combining different samples together. Sampling can also be used as an homage to a musician or artist who may have passed away.
Advantages of Building your Own Drums in Logic Pro
There are many advantages to building your own drums in Logic Pro. Here we will discuss five advantages of building your own drums in Logic Pro.
1) The first advantage is that you can create custom drum kits from scratch with the sounds you want to use in them.
2) The second advantage is that you can modify the velocity of each drum hit so that the volume changes depending on how hard the drummer hits the drum pad or key on their keyboard or MIDI controller.
3) The third advantage is that you can create custom drum fills by inserting short sections of pre-recorded drumming into your song at specific locations where they would be most effective and then modifying them by
What is the Loop Gain and Why is it Important?
Audio gain is the difference between the input and output volumes that are obtained when a signal is passed through a circuit. It can be used to adjust the volume of loops.
Audio Gain is important to understand because it can be used to adjust the volume of loops, and samples so they don’t peak in your project
Examples of Drama and Tension through Music Breakdowns
There are many ways to create tension in a track. One of the most common methods is through the use of space and atmospheric sounds. you can create tension by either slowing down or speeding up the tempo, using dissonant sounds, or using high-pitched sounds.
In this article, we will explore how tension is created in scenes through musical breaks. We will also explore some examples of tense moments and how they were created with music breakdowns before getting the drop
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Hey guys, I’m Mayen a Guatemalan based out of Denver and I make electronic music. I keep an open line communication with my fans and you can Email me directly at info@mncve.com. Thank you for taking part in my life and allowing me to take part in yours.
If you are new in this channel please consider SUBSCRIBING.
🇪🇸Gracias a todos los que se han suscrito a mi canal. Si eres nuevo aquí, considera suscribirte.
Hola dudes, soy Mayen, un guatemalteco que vive en Denver y hago música electrónica. Mantengo una comunicación de abierta con mis fans y pueden enviarme un correo electrónico directamente a info@mncve.com. Gracias por formar parte de mi vida y permitirme formar parte de la tuya.
Si es nuevo en este canal, considere SUSCRIBIRSE.
You can follow my music : Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/artist/mayen/59802
More behind the scenes stuff: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayen_music
Shorts: https://www.tiktok.com/@mayen_music