Please watch: “5 Strategies for Finishing Your Tracks Old Projects”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXhmoAnO83I –~–
My 2019 Music Production Goals And Strategies
In this video I go over My 2019 Music Production Goals And Strategies.
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You can follow my music : Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/artist/mayen/59802
More behind the scenes stuff: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayen_music
Mayen on WEB: https://www.mayen-music.com
1. To Release 50 Tracks:
1. I will do video updates so you guys can keep me accountable.
2. 2 focused hrs on music production a day
1. Without any distractions of:
1. Social media
2. Phone
3. And other outside forces not related to music production.
3. To release on 10 new labels that I have not released music on.
1. Going to need to do some networking to make this happen.
4. To continue or not my Record Label.
5. Build my New Studio.
1. I will update the progress on this
#1 Social Media Strategy:
Main Channel: Youtube
1. Accountability of my track completion
2. Production tips on the go
3. Plugins that I’m using
Secondary Channels: Instagram and Facebook
1. Behind the scenes
2. Studio Life
3. Collaborations
4. Gigs
2# Focus:
1. Get Rid of all distractions for the 2 hrs that I will be making music.
2. No Phone
3. No Social Media
4. No email
5. No Distractions
1. Key: when you are on a workflow and you get interrupted it takes about 30 mins to get back into the groove of things
My Music Production Process:
1. Monday: Groove and Basic sounds
2. Tuesday: Layout
3. Wednesday Layout and new sounds
4. Thursday: FX and Ambience
5. Friday: Bells and Whistles
6. Saturday: Mixdown
7. Sunday: Final Mixdown
#2019goals #goaldigger #musicproduction
My 2019 Music Production Goals And Strategies
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!
Check out my latest video here: http://bit.ly/2Dh2VyY